I could not believe my ears when I heard this morning about this new video game introduced to the USA by a Japanese video game maker. Illusion Software is a Japanese company that produces animated 3D pornography. A website that sells video games describes it as follows:
RapeLay is a molestation simulation that allows you to terrorize a woman and her two teenage daughters. Events in RapeLay range from groping on a train to gang rape and forced abortions.
RapeLay's gameplay is divided in three main parts:
Phase One
The games begins with the player following the victim on the train station. In this first phase one of the few thing you can do is pray the gods for a quick squall of winds that will blow up the victims skirt.
Phase Two
Once on the train the actual groping start, once the victim aroused the train will stop and the next phase of the game begins.
Phase Three
The third and final phase of every scene is the actual rape scene, NPC rapists can be called in to participate in the event. The location in which this happens varies with the victims. The actual location of the rape depends on the characters being raped. Yuuko's location is in the park, Aoi gets raped in a bathroom and Manaka in her bedroom.
There are also a Free Phase and a Pregnancy Phase... You get the idea.
I know there are many violent video games, but this one is just too much for me and I believe too much for our society as a whole. There needs to be some limit as to what games people can legally buy.