Monday, April 18, 2011

Real Men Don't Buy Girls

Finally, a couple of people in this world that care about the growing trend of teenage or young girls getting trapped into prostitution and becoming sex slaves.

You might say that many women want to be prostitutes and that it should be legalized. That is fine but to a point. If an adult woman wants to sell her body for a few minutes to complete strangers, that is her personal right. But if you are talking about pimps, pretending to rescue young girls, giving them presents and showing them a good time, to later force them to work the streets, that's a different story. This is the new trend that is happening in the USA and also in other countries. In fact, some pimps take young sex slaves abroad and some foreign pimps also bring their girls here, to prostitute!

Young girls becoming prostitutes is a real problem around the world and fortunately there is a non-profit organization founded by Demi Moore and her husband Ashton Kutcher that is targeted against this practice of CHILD SEX SLAVERY. They have a campaign now called, "Real Men Don't Buy Girls". This campaign is airing on TV nationally. Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have been included in countless media interviews, trying to send their message across the country. A message about child sex slavery that has never been brought to our attention as clearly as they have exposed it. The Demi and Ashton Foundation has a website where you can donate, notify others and take action for this very important cause:


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mace Pepper Foam Blindfolds Attackers!

There are many types of pepper spray out in the market today but very few do what this spray does. Mace Pepper Foam is exactly what it's called. It is pepper and foam combined into one. 

When you spray this toward an attacker, it's like "pie in the face", because it expands once it hits the person. The expanded foam covers the attacker's face, plus it burns like hell! Their eyes will slam shut from the burning feeling of hot pepper, which makes it impossible for them to see you!

Mace Pepper Foam is also heavier than regular pepper spray. This makes it better because you are less likely to get spray back if it is a little windy out! Unlike regular sprays that sometimes are taken by the wind and make it harder for you to aim at an attacker's face, this foam makes an attacker, an easy target! Even if you don't aim it perfectly, some of it is bound to land and expand! Plus, one more thing... Pepper Foam also contains an invisible UV dye, which marks the attacker and may aid police in identification.

Mace Pepper Foam comes in Large size, 2.36 oz., great for putting in your purse! It also comes in Magnum size, 4.1 oz. which is perfect for your home.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cancer Producing Personal Products for Women

Do you wear makeup, shampoo your hair, put lotion on your body? Do you know if the products you are using on your body are toxic or can cause cancer?

Well you need to check out a very useful website. I found it because I was concerned about the makeup I used on my face, after being diagnosed with basal-cell carcinoma on my nose. Although it wasn't the deadly melanoma skin cancer, it wouldn't heal and could have spread even into my bones!

We know that there are many products in our households that can be detrimental, toxic or can cause cancer but when it comes to personal products that you use EVERY DAY, such as makeup, soap, skin lotions... that is a different story and should not be overlooked. Women in particular, use more personal products then men do. Let's face it, us women are the ones that usually clean the house and want to look pretty. Women are the ones that like to dye their hair, make their skin softer, use lipstick, nail polish, etc. A few years back we heard about how products that contained any type of PARABEN, was bad for us. It came in many different forms; propylparaben, methylparaben, butylparaben, ethylparaben... anything that ended in paraben was a no, no. Well, unfortunately many products still contain paraben and many other toxic chemicals that some countries like Canada have outlawed. Why these chemicals are still allowed to be used in the USA, is beyond me!

Take matters into your own hands and stop using products that can hurt you and your family. Just insert the name of the product you wish to know more about and the EWG website will let you know if it is hazardous to your health. Check out the websites below!

Go here for more information on general products you use:
Go here for the personal products section:
Go here for information from Wilkipedia about Paraben:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Advice for Getting Rid of Stalkers

Many women have problems with stalkers and while some stalkers are harmless, others might be very dangerous. The stalker might have seen or met you at a party, work, school or any other place. If you think you are being stalked by someone, you need to take action because your life can depend on it. Please read the advice below.

Get Help - One of the first things you’ll want to do is talk about this stalking with as many close friends and family as you’re comfortable with. Enlist their help, provide yourself with a sort of human shield, extra pairs of eyes minding your home, etc.
Be Unpredictable - Try to avoid sticking too closely to a set routine that he can observe. In cases where you have to stick to a set schedule (school, work, yoga class) make arrangements to go with friends. Use different routes to get there. This could be the perfect time to take the plunge and try out that new ‘do or hair color you’ve been eyeing.
Change Contact Info - Phone number (unlisted, of course), email accounts; consider using a post office box if you haven’t already got one.
Learn the Local Laws - Find out what constitutes stalking in your jurisdiction, what your legal recourse is in case you need to take that route.
Don’t Accept Gifts or Packages - He may not seem the dangerous type at first, but he obviously hasn’t gotten the message that you’re not interested. Accepting any gifts, cards, etc. from him, will only send the wrong message. Remember, this whole thing started because you had a harmless conversation at a party, right?
Avoid Communication - Don’t assume that he’ll respond favorably to rational conversation. The attention just may backfire on you.
Document All Contacts and Incidents - Initially, and individually, they may not appear threatening or unusual enough to warrant it, but we’re looking for a pattern here. Stalking almost always begins as a harmless encounter. The more you record-keeping you do now, the easier it will be in the future to establish a threatening pattern, and identify an escalation in his actions. This can be invaluable information if you need to take legal action.
Report All Unusual or Suspicious Activity - Indications of mail tampering, trash cans opened, your stalker repeatedly turning up in places where you go and he normally wouldn’t (or shouldn’t) go.
Cut Ties - Depending upon your level of discomfort and your investment in these activities, you may decide that it’s best for a while to avoid doing the things and going to the places you’ve both got in common. Meet your friends at other hangouts, try new hobbies. Keep in mind, you’re not sacrificing your life, you’re preserving it when it gets to this step. Those other things will always be there to go back to later.
Self-Defense - Speaking of new hobbies, consider taking this opportunity to enroll in a self-defense class, kick-boxing, or if you feel threatened enough, arming yourself with pepper spray or a stun gun. Protect yourself from this dangerous person. Trust your instincts. They’re generally a reliable barometer for gauging the threat level, and choosing the proper level of response, if any. Common sense and a healthy sense of self-preservation will go a long way in helping you deal with your new “friend”.

This information was partially edited and taken from Home Alarm Monitoring.

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