The Fogger or Cone pattern which look more like your regular hair spray, are better for indoor use or for shorter distances. Foggers are also preferred by women who feel they might not be able to aim the weapon properly into an attackers face! When using a fogger, you need to spray and run away from the mist and the attacker, as soon as possible! This really applies to anytime you use any kind of pepper weapon.
The Foam pattern defense units are made to expand on an attackers face. Foams expand up to 400%, when they reach an attacker, quickly engulfing their entire face. Foam weapons are also thicker, therefore, also less likely to be affected by wind and they too, can reach further than the more popular products.
Browse our website and pick the Mace Pepper Spray or the Pepper Spray (mostly Streetwise products) categories on the left side of the home page. We have all kinds of defense weapons. Some are disguised as lipstick, pens, kubotans, perfume and one looks like a gun. Others have lights and alarms attached to them, as well!
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