Alzheimer's is a huge problem in today's society. Many people have a relative or a friend that suffers from this dreaded disease.
My father died from complications due to Alzheimer's, a few years back and so did his brothers. I am very conscientious of the fact that it can be hereditary. Many of us worry about this and it literally can be a ticking time bomb. Below is a personal suggestion that I want to pass on to our readers.
In no way am I stating that it is a cure for this dreaded disease!
There are many medicines for it, but for now, they only postpone the inevitable. Scientists have admitted that there still is no magic pill for curing Alzheimer's. Best they can suggest is to read more, drink more coffee (this may increase blood pressure), do puzzles, interact with others, learn another language and exercise more, by adding more oxygen to your brain.
Photo by Sarah B Brooks |
Exercise more is what I picked to fight this disease. Actually I have exercised for the last 30 years, on a regular basis. Started with a Health Rider, remember them? After that I got a treadmill and up to just a couple of months ago, I worked out on an elliptical. But, after reading some new information, I started to fast walk outdoors.
I donated my elliptical to charity and started to walk around my neighborhood. I chose the fresh outdoors oxygen method! The reason for my routine change, is that I came across some information on the internet. The info made sense, and I'm glad I read it. Basically it stated that while you use machines to exercise, it doesn't help your brain much… Sure, it helps your muscles and heart but it doesn't make you think! When you walk outdoors, your brain is very busy and alert. Think about it… You have to watch where you step, steady your balance, be aware of cars, you have to turn corners, cross streets… You see many things around you as you pass by; birds, puddles, trees, different buildings or homes. Your mind is nonstop and involved in every step you take! You might not realize it but, taking your body for a walk is a lot of work for your brain. Besides adding more oxygen into your brain, you also get to meet new people, interact with them and even acquire new friendships while you explore your surroundings.
This is what I'm planning to do for the rest of my life, to help in the prevention of the disease and stay fit. The natural way, for which we don't need any money or machines and we can enjoy the outdoors and the people around us. We shouldn't work out like hamsters and go around in circles on a machine… Plus, even if fast walking isn't the cure, at least we enjoyed the trip!
Please consider donating to the
Alzheimer's Organization.