Monday, February 6, 2017

Valentine's Day Gift: Pepper Spray with Hard Case 10 Pepper Spray Units Special

Here's your chance to impress your loved ones with a unique self defense gift, others will appreciate and be impressed by your thoughtfulness!

It's one of the most dependable items that have been used for decades and it's still popular today, for self defense. At we have a bulk offer that includes 10 hard case pepper spray units, for only $76.08. Take care of all your loved ones, with pepper spray for self defense in one simple purchase!

The Valentine's Day Gifts for self defense beauties, called the Pepper Spray with Hard Case 10 Pepper Spray Units Special, can reach 8 feet and contain 5 one second bursts. It also includes a handy keyring and belt clip, safety lock and UV Marking Dye. The UV Marking Dye let's police identify an attacker, if they place him or her, under a UV lamp!

Give your loved ones a pepper spray gift for Valentine's Day. They will feel safer with it and be protected, not candy that will give them cavities! PLUS, this offer also includes FREE SHIPPING!

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