There is always some people that like to pick on others, but you don't have to deal with them anymore! Consider purchasing a Keychain Pepper Spray. Then all you need to do is aim at their eyes and shoot pepper spray in their face!
Bullies are everywhere and us women are most of the time, their target... Get protection and get rid of those bullies. Then... never stay around, leave the scene immidiateley!
Keychain Pepper Spray for Only $7.99 Features
- Includes keychain for opening doors and at the same time, spraying an attacker
- Reaches 7 feet away
- Contains 5-6 one-second bursts
- He or she will cry like a baby from all the pain it inflicts
- Includes UV Dye that helps identify an attacker by police, if cought
- Pepper Spray can also go into an attacker's lungs
All this protection for only $7.99!
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