Most people carry a pen with them... Be it for college or work. But this disguised unit includes pepper spray that will protect you from attackers!

It's called the Wildfire Pepper Spray Pen with Clip, that can shoot a spray with pepper up to 6 feet away! It includes approximately 5 one second bursts. All a woman or a man have to do is aim at the attacker's eyes and face and shoot a stream, that will make an attacker cry like a baby!
This disguised
Wildfire Pepper Spray Pen also includes a UV Dye. If police capture the individual, they can place the attacker under a UV Lamp and verify that they caught the right individual.
It's perfect for women, men and the elderly. Plus it also has a convenient clip, like regular pens have, so you can always have it handy! Perfect for college students as well! Just put in your pocket or purse!
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