Pepper spray has been around for many decades and these units are the most convenient spray you can take with you, where ever you go!
It's important to always use some sort of self defense unit when you are out and about. Especially if you are a woman. There are way too many bad intentioned individuals out there! That's why at, we have many self defense units you can use.

Pepper Spray with Quick Key Release Cheetah in several colors, is very handy when you get approached by a rapist or attacker. The Pepper Spray Cheetah comes in a small container that includes a keyring, too. The self defense units include hot pepper that you can shoot at an attacker's face and eyes. The burning sensation is so strong that they will have to shut their eyes from all the pain it inflicts.
Plus, all our pepper sprays have a UV Dye which help's to find the individual if apprehended by the police and placed under a UV lamp!
The unit can reach 8 feet away and includes 5 one second bursts! Expiration date is under the canister. Simply take the cover off and look below.
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