One of the most smallest stun guns we have in our store... They only measure 3 1/2" x 1" x 1/2". They are available in 5 colors and include 10 Million volts of takedown power!

These units are very popular at, because they are very small and easy to conceal. They include 10 Million volts of takedown power. All you need to do is touch an individual with it and watch him or her fall to the ground. Keep touching the attacker until they become incoherent. Then leave the scene immediately!

These units have a convenient LED light and wrist strap. Aiming the LED light into their eyes, also disorients them. Since they are small, they can be easily concealed. PLUS, they are made with the highest quality aircraft aluminum, so you know they are reliable for self defense, which includes 10 Million volts!

Since these Slider Stun Gun Flashlight units are small and convenient, you can take them anywhere with you. Be it to college if you are a student, your office, while in parking lots when getting groceries... Well you get the idea. These units are available in black, pink, blue, gold and silver. As always, please be alert of your surroundings. Especially during the night or when going through alleys where people can't see or hear you. Plus, of course, always take the Slider Stun Gun Flashlight, everywhere you go. Be it daylight or at night! Plus, avoid alleys... It's best to be accompanied by friends if you have to walk in the dark, for self defense.
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