These 5 radios are perfect for anywhere your dad needs to keep in touch with the weather or simply listening to music or what's going on in the news. Let's just simply see what he can do with any of these radios that only cost $73.99!
Kaito Voyager Emergency Disaster Radio
- Available in 5 different colors: red, yellow
black, blue and green
- Dynamo cranking power
- Solar panel power
- AA Batteries or 3 AA
- Built-in rechargeable battery pack
- AC adaptor charge from the 3.5 mm jack
- Charge from a computer vial USB port
- 5 LED reading lamp for camping
- White LED flashlight
- Red LED blinking for emergency alert
- Has AM, FM, SW1, SW2, weather band and weather alert
To make his new Radio fully operational, please have him follow the 4 simple steps included in the information that comes with the radio!
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