Monday, February 18, 2019

Signs You Might Need Something For Self Defense

There are signs you need to carry something for self defense everywhere! For example, have you ever seen anyone in the grocery store parking lot or any parking lot for that matter just standing there looking creepy? They are standing there waiting to creep up on you and do who knows what? They might be thinking of robbing you or assaulting you or even kidnapping you. There is so much hate, destruction, and crazy stuff in this world, it would be a smart idea to buy something to carry for self defense. It could be something as easy to operate as pepper spray, a stun gun, taser, or even a personal alarm. Take you pick and use what you are comfortable using or carrying.

We have a variety of strengths and sizes of pepper spray and Mace to fit your needs Our stun gun selection is one of the best. We carry different sizes, voltages, and even stun guns that are disguised as something else like a tube of lipstick. Personal alarms draw attention to any crisis. Set one off and you will see how many people turn their head towards you. This in itself will scare the hell out of a potential attacker. Tasers shoot darts from up to 15 feet away. This keeps you a safe distance from the perp.

Take it from us... we have had many calls from women and men explaining what had happened to them, a friend or someone they know and where looking for something to carry. Check out our website and see all the great options you have.


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