Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Your Best Self Defense? Don't Sit On It.

There is a new area of scientific study called "inactivity physiology" or commonly called "sitting disease". Us humans have evolved over millions of years to be on the go! Recently due to industrialization and high technology, we are literally killing ourselves by sitting too much on our butts. Our bodies were built to be erect and active. For thousands of generations the environment kept us constantly active. Women, in fact, are less active than men, simply because they tend to do less sports and have more sedentary jobs.

When you sit for extended periods of time, your body starts to shut down at a metabolic level. Your circulation slows down and you burn less calories. Also the less you move the less blood sugar you burn and the more likely you can get diabetes. Even your brain gets less circulation and those feel good hormones levels go down and blood pressure goes up. Sitting down too much also hurts your lower back, weakens your spine muscles and you are more prone to get heart disease because enzymes that keep blood fats in check, are less active. Even if you exercise regularly, if you sit more than you exercise, stand or walk around, you are metabolically too inactive.

So it boils down to this, try to stand up more often! The simple act of standing up, makes a world of difference and burns more calories. You become healthier, less depressed and have a sharper mind. Below is a few suggestions.
  • Take more breaks at work, get up and walk.
  • While on the phone, stand up and talk.
  • Stand at your desk instead of sitting.
  • Go to a coworker's desk instead of emailing them.
  • Use the stairway instead of the elevator.
  • Spend less time watching TV. Try to exercise, while watching TV or better yet, make out!
  • Do your own house cleaning, laundry, meals, instead of hiring someone, calling for takeout or getting fast food.
This information was summarized from an original article written by Selene Yeager, Women's Health.

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