Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Women who wear tight jeans, can't claim rape?

A man in Australia was found not guilty of raping a woman, by a court jury recently. The jury stated that he could not have taken the victims jeans off by himself, therefore she must have helped and the rape was consensual. The woman was apparently wearing very tight jeans. This is not an isolated case either... In Seoul, a 7 year sentence of a man accused of raping a woman was overturned, because she also was wearing very tight jeans. Another court case in Italy also dealt with a woman wearing tight jeans where supposedly the man could not have raped her without her consent. Fortunately, that case ended in the man being found guilty.

What does this mean? Let's think about this for moment... This means that rapists or perverts are now going to start targeting women with tight jeans because the courts are allowing it. This is a loophole for future rapists! OR perhaps others might say, women need to start wearing tight jeans, in order for them not to get raped? This is all nonsense! Women are not the ones with the problem here, rapists or perverts are to blame. Women should be able to wear any clothing that is appropriate in society. Do you ever hear of men getting raped because some of them wear their pants down to their crack? Why the double standard? Us women need to be aware and watch closely, so that this doesn't become a trend with courts in the USA!


Anonymous said...

May I put your blog into my website (http://www.tight-jeans.net), please?

MARTHA and SUSAN said...

Sure you may.
We are not very technical though and don't know how about letting someone do this. If you know, please inform us!

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