Monday, June 16, 2008

Avoid Falling Asleep While Driving

The kids are out of school and the family wants to go on vacation! With Air fares so expensive lately, the best solution for traveling these days is by car. Especially if you have a large family.

One of the main concerns when you drive on long trips is falling asleep at the wheel. Sometimes you want to catch up during the evening hours in order to enjoy more daylight time for your vacation. This is smart but also can be dangerous, since night time, especially between midnight and early morning, is when your body wants to sleep. Everyone in your vehicle is asleep and quiet, so that makes it even harder to stay awake.

Did you know that there is a product that's not a drug and will help you stay awake? It is the Driver Alert Safety Alarm. This is a must for long trips whether you are driving during the evening or during the day. It is worn over the ear and has an electronic position sensor. When your head nods forward, it sounds a loud alarm to instantly wake you and alert your passengers.

The Alert Sleep Alarm is also handy for other tasks that require alertness, such as, being on duty as a security guard or operating dangerous machinery in factories. Not to mention, if you are a truck driver and take long interstate trips!

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