Monday, September 29, 2008

Alaska Airport Terminal Had to be Evacuated

Alaska made headlines last Saturday, but this time it was not relevant to Sara Palin. The Juneau International Airport in the capital city of Alaska was evacuated because someone had accidentally discharged bear pepper spray. It got into the ventilation system and spread throughout the airport. As some of you know, bear pepper spray is used for protection against bear attacks and it comes in a cannister similar to the ones used by personal protection pepper sprays, but much larger. The airport building had to be cleared and aired out for about an hour and a half before it re-opened.

This demonstrates how powerful a pepper defensive spray could be. Something as simple and inexpensive as the substance in very hot peppers, found in nature, can be a reliable weapon in preventing crime. Just one cannister that probably contained approximately 260 grams of substance, was enough to evacuate an entire building!

1 comment:

Grace said...

hi, i like your blog, very impormative. keep it up. :)

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