Friday, May 27, 2016

Are You Still Wearing High Heels?

Many women still wear high heel shoes, and it's a shame that they place more priority on a fashion statement, than they do to their own body!

A while back, we posted in our Blog, the hazards of wearing high heel shoes. You would think that women, in this day and age, would have gotten rid of them... Unfortunately as you will see below, many women still injure their feet and body, for simply following a dumb trend that can injure not only their feet, but the rest of their body, as well! They don't realize that as they get older, it will be most likely that they will need surgery, from all the abuse that their feet have been through.

We know, because one of us, at Women On Guard, did go through the ordeal of foot surgery, to be able to walk properly again. See sharper chart at this LINK!

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