Tuesday, October 23, 2012

October is Also Domestic Violence Month

Breast Cancer sometimes overshadows the fact that this month is also dedicated to the domestic violence problem we have in our country. 

Photo by -mrsraggle-
Just like rape or sexual assault is an epidemic in our nation, so is domestic violence. There are very few people in our country that have not been exposed to this problem, either through their parents, relatives or neighbors. It's a family problem, because if children are present, it's their problem as well. Many times, economic issues drive up the amount of cases, and just worsens the outcome of these situations. Children do poorly in school and most of the time, the wife is the focus of abuse. Plus, lets not forget that in a few cases, the husbands are the ones being abused...

Fortunately, there are many shelters in our nation for violent abuse episodes and women can escape before it's too late. We found a website that actually helps women and offers tips on how to prepare for themselves and their children's escape, from these domestic violence situations. It's called, "THE HOTLINE" and while a woman reads through the site, it actually has a link constantly on the website, that a woman can select, if their abuser peeks over their shoulder, to find out what she is reading about… It's call the "QUICK ESCAPE". She can just click on it and the "Google Search" website shows up instead! Plus, there really is a phone hotline on the site; 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). It too, is present at all times while searching through THE HOTLINE website.

If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic violence, please let them know about THE HOTLINE website, for planning her escape to safety.

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